Training Program
The goal of the HSPGP training program is the complete training of mental health professionals in psychoanalytic group psychotherapy and includes:
- Participation of at least five years in a total of two hundred, 90 minute sessions of psychoanalytic group psychotherapy
- A total of a 100 two hour theoretical seminars on the introduction to psychoanalytic theory, the introduction to psychoanalytic group psychotherapy and matters of technique (for four years)
-Clinical supervision (for the last three years of the training)
-Psychoanalytic Group Psychotherapy Observation during the 3rd year of training (40 ninety minute sessions)
-During the 4th and 5th year the trainees are asked to start working with groups as therapists, while being under supervision with a training group analyst from the HSPGP, and to submit and present a clinical/theoretical essay ( of 8000 words)
After the completion of the second year of training, the trainees are also asked to participate in 2 two-day seminars on psychoanalytic psychodrama suggested by the Society.
Selection requirements for Training Candidates
- Candidates accepted for the training Program in Experiential Introduction to Psychoanalytic Group Psychotherapy (after an interview with two members of the Society and after the Society has decided) are : Psychologists, psychiatrists , psychiatric social workers and psychiatric nurses with an academic training , who wish to train in groups.
- Necessary requirements for candidates to be accepted in the main HSGP Training Program is to a) have completed the Foundation Training of the Experiential Introduction to Psychoanalytic Group Psychotherapy and b) to have undergone or to already be in individual psychoanalysis or psychoanalytic psychotherapy with a member of the Hellenic Psychoanalytic Association or the Hellenic Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy or another equivalent Association of a different country.